Sit, Talk, Remember, and Reminisce
Your LEGACY CORNER MEMOIR will include excerpts from our interviews IN YOUR OWN WORDS, photos if you wish, and chronolgical information, all in a beautiful, easy to read document.
How It All Got Started
I cherish all that time we spent together and all the things he told me. I have so many good memories of that time, even though his health was failing and I spent a good deal of time taking care of him. I would ask questions and that would open his memory and he would have a good time telling me his stories.
The one thing I regret is that, after all those talks, I didn’t go home and write them down or tape our conversations. If I had done that, I would have been able to share them with my brothers and sister, my children and grandchildren, and there would be a written record we could pass down to future generations.
That is what Legacy Corner is all about! While having a conversation with a good friend of mine, she brought up the idea that with my people skills and years of customer service, it could be a natural move for me to offer a service to others where I could meet with them, record our conversations, ask probing questions and edit them into a document for their families and friends. I thought that was a great idea and something I would be perfectly suited for.
We discussed many ideas that day and as we spoke, the ideas came together and got better and better. People’s families are very busy and although they might want to have a written record, they may not have the time themselves to go about it. That’s where I come in.
The Legacy Corner Offer
After our meetings, I will take the conversations and edit them into a beautiful Legacy Corner Memoir, including pictures if you have them and also hopefully some dates and places, names and addresses of your parents and other relatives that are important for your family to have and to help them in having a genealogical record in case they are interested in a starting or adding to a family tree.
I can explain much more when we meet for the free half-hour session. I invite you to ask your family members to be there so they too can see what I can offer and also answer any questions they might have.
So, there you have it. A simple idea and an easy way to leave a Living History of the moments of your life! And the best thing is; they are all in YOUR OWN WORDS! I do not edit what you say but keep what you say in your original words. That way, your family can know the real you better.
Let's get together and you can tell me your ideas and I can explain what I can do for you.
I look forward to hearing from you or a member of your family.
Thank You!
Bill Wagner
Phone: 267-934-7928